Become a yoyer in 8 steps
Modern yo-yoing is a sport that can seem complicated, especially if you’re starting out. We are yoyers ourselves and we remember very well what it was like to start, look for all the information, orient yourself in different yoyo types and styles of tricks. That’s why we put together a step-by-step guide on how to become a yoyer. This journey will take you from the very beginning, from choosing the first yoyo, to teaching the hardest tricks and advice on how to get a sponsor or when to go to a yo-yo competition. So let’s go!

It won’t work without a yoyo, let’s see what yoyo will be best to start with. To learn the basic tricks, you definitely need a beginner or responsive yoyo (it returns to the hand to jerk). These yo-yos have bearings, but they rotate, but you can only return them to your hand with a winch Definitely don’t take the advanced or unresponsive yoyo (this yoyo only comes back through a special “Bind” trick and they are intended for advanced tricks – we’ll get to them a few steps further.
Of the beginner yo-yos, we recommend the following 2 models: One and Arrow .
Be sure to order spare strings for the yoyo . But for that in the next step!
Once you have a yoyo, you need a string. A string is included with each yoyo, but since the strings need to be replaced after about 1-5 hours , it is necessary to have spare strings. You cannot use any thread or ordinary string. You need a yoyo string that is made directly for yoyoing. Choosing strings is quite easy as all strings fit all yo-yos.
We only recommend choosing strings that have a light, distinctive color so that they are easy to see when tricking. For starters, YYF strings are more suitable as they have a universal length and an already tied loop, so for most yoyers they do not need to shorten.
So let’s get to it, you already have a yoyo and a string. The first trick awaits us, actually two. The very first is Wind Up, or winding the yoyo. In modern yo-yos, this is done via the finger so that the string on the bearing does not twist during winding.
Once you have the yoyo wound, we can start the first roll and that is the Gravity Pull trick. In this trick, you need to throw the yoyo palm up, throw the yoyo straight and catch it back in the palm facing the ground. You will find everything described in detail in the video. You need to learn the yoyo to throw exactly this way from the beginning. Otherwise, it doesn’t even work properly, and if you start differently, then it will be difficult to unlearn it. Once you’ve mastered Gravity Pull, it’s time for more basic tricks. You will find them in the next lesson, lesson number 4.
The basic tricks have one thing in common, they are all done with a responsive / returning yoyo . Although some may seem too easy or uninteresting, be sure not to skip them and learn them honestly. If you go through and master all or at least a large part of these tricks, all advanced tricks will be learned much faster and easier. It will all sign on your style as well. In addition to the fact that basic tricks are the “basis” and a necessity for every yoyer, they are also classic tricks. Modern yoyoing is based on these tricks and they have greatly influenced what modern yoyoing looks like today , which is why every yoyer should know them.
The most important trick is Sleeper , it will definitely not work without a proper spin of the yoyo. OTHER BASIC TRICKS.
“Yoyo competition? What? right after I barely learned the basic tricks? ” Yes, that’s right. You don’t have to worry at all , for most yoyo contests (or competitions) you can also register in the category “Tricklist” or “Beginners” . In these categories, the form of mandatory tricks competes. So there are known tricks in advance and the competitors perform them. As soon as he makes a mistake, whoever gets away doesn’t win, he wins. The tricks are known in advance and are selected from the list of basic tricks that you have already completed .
In addition to testing your yoyo skills, winning a new yoyo, for example, yoyo contests are great in that you get into the yoyo community, among other yoyers, learn new tricks and meet a lot of people. Definitely don’t be afraid to ask or ask anyone anything .
Modern yo-yoing offers a lot of options, in addition to advanced tricks, there are also several different styles of yo-yoing. Together they are referred to as “alternative styles” and sometimes also as “X-divisions” in competitions and this is another competition category. They are called 1A, 2A (Looping), 3A (Double Hand), 4A (Offstring) and 5A (Freehand) . To get the best idea of each style, watch the video. You can specialize and fully focus on one style or all at once. Some styles require a special yoyo (2A, 4A), for others a classic modern yoyo with a bearing is enough.
Once you have the basics of yo-yoing and you know Bind , you can embark on advanced tricks and other styles. Yo-yoing thus begins to enter the freestyle phase, which is freer, more fun but also more difficult for some. Looser and more fun in that you can train on your own. You no longer have to stick to the tricks. You can edit the tricks in various ways, combine them into each other and create combos, watch the tricks from your favorite yoyers, or completely invent your own elements.
If it is more pleasant for you to follow the tutorials and follow the trick after trick as before, have a look at our Tips and Tricks section , there are a lot of advanced tricks.
Freestyle is also an advanced category in yoyo competitions . Beginning yoyers compete in the Tricklist, where the tricks are predetermined, you have already tried it at first. In freestyle categories, however, there is no restriction or assignment of tricks, you only have a given time (1, 2 or 3 minutes, depending on the competition and according to the category) and you do your best tricks to your own music. The evaluation of the Freestyle is not as easy as the evaluation of the Tricklist, but in short it evaluates how many tricks you can do, how demanding they are, how you have the whole performance and tricks harmonized with the music and even how original your tricks are. This leads us to the next step and that is inventing our own tricks.
One of the best and funniest things about modern yo-yoing is the creativity and freedom it offers . This sport has unimaginable possibilities and perhaps an endless combination of tricks . Many of them have not yet been discovered. Don’t forget that it is a freestyle sport and no one will force you to do 20 push-ups or 15 wheels around the field. Everyone trains according to themselves, how often they want, what tricks they want, when they want and where they want.
Originality and new ideas are highly valued among yoyers, so yoying is not just about training precision and honing one trick over and over again. There is no exact guide on how to invent tricks. Some people are creative and do it themselves, while another yoyer prefers to give more time to enthusiastic tricks. Try to take, for example, two tricks that you already know and connect them to each other in an original way or learn to start the trick from another yoyer and finish it your way. There is definitely no limit to your imagination, and believe me, the feeling when you come up with something new is really great, as is the recognition from other yoyers when you shoot the trick or perform it for the first time at a contest.